2017-Streets of Jersey City, Jersey City Arts Council @ Shuaspace
2016-#jerseycitymakeityours, 107 Bowers Gallery, Jersey City, NJ
2015-Jersey City Art & Studio Tour, Flagship Gallery at the Lackawanna Center
2013-Alter Eco, Santa Cruz Institute of Contemporary Art, California
2013-Art House at Waldo Lofts, Jersey City, NJ
2011-Art House Productions, Freeze, Jersey City, NJ
2010-Wall to Wall Fundraiser, City Without Walls, Newark, NJ
2010-Art House Productions, inventionREinvention, Jersey City, NJ
2010-Optical Annual Juried Competition, Honorable Mention, Raandesk Gallery of Art, New York, NY
2009-Wall to Wall Fundraiser, City Without Walls, Newark, NJ
2008-The Altered Landscape, Newspace Center for Photography, Portland, OR
2007-Footprints: Portrait of a Brooklyn Neighborhood, Brooklyn Public Library (Central Branch, Grand Army Plaza), Brooklyn, NY
2006-Footprints: Portrait of a Brooklyn Neighborhood, Grand Space, Brooklyn, NY
2006-mymoon, Williamsburg, Brooklyn
2006-Art Gotham, Square Foot Show, W27th St, NYC
2005-New York Art Generation, Paula Barr Chelsea, New York
2005-Trampoline House, Brooklyn NY
2005-Landscape -Brooklyn, NY
2004-Photo Bookworks: A Selection - Visual Arts Gallery, NYC
2002-9/11 Commemorative Art Show at SVA's Westside Gallery, NYC
2002-Reaction: A Multi-Media Art Exhibition to benefit the Lower Manhattan
Cultural Council, DNA Studio Gallery, NYC
2001-Light: Passage of Time, SVA's Westside Gallery, NYC
1999-2003 B.F.A in Photography, School of Visual Arts, NYC.